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Kathy Xiang on her travels
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This month we hear from Kathy Xiang, VP of Business and Corporate Development at Compass …


I am a part of the Compass team helping to … expand our research pipeline and establish strategic partnerships

I work in mental health care because … I’ve seen and experienced first-hand the lack of effective solutions that are available today for people who are suffering. We urgently need innovation in this space

The part of my job I most enjoy is … being able to meet other companies and people working in this area – there are so many bright minds and ideas out there and I love thinking about how we can collaborate to address the mental health crisis together

When I was a child, I always wanted to … work in a zoo (I love animals!)

What I am most grateful for is … the opportunities I’ve had to travel the world. I’m at 52 countries at the moment and am looking to add to that as the world (hopefully) opens up more this year!

The best place I’ve ever visited is … South Africa – amazing food, wine, beaches, mountains and safaris (compensating for not becoming a zookeeper)

My dream one day is to … live by the sea. I’m a keen swimmer and love the feeling of being in water. But ideally somewhere with a warmer climate than England!

The book everyone should read is … “Why the West Rules – for Now: The Patterns of History and What They Reveal about the Future”. It covers the entire history of human civilisation and draws out some fascinating patterns. The only book you’ll need to understand how and why we got to where we are today

The best piece of advice I’ve ever been given is … always smile ?

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