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This month we hear from Daniel Sutcliffe, our Patient and Market Access Manager.

I am part of the Compass team helping to …   demonstrate the potential value of psilocybin therapy to payers, this means I spend my time working on patient access strategy, health economic modelling, and value communication

I work in mental health care because …  I’ve seen first-hand how devastating depression can be for individuals and families, current options aren’t always effective and patients deserve better. I think psychedelic therapies have the potential to alleviate suffering and provide a catalyst for positive transformative change in people’s lives

What I am most grateful for is … my family and friends

The part of my job I most enjoy is …  working with the team we have here at Compass; everyone is very passionate, driven, and interesting. It’s great! Also, getting to work on something you really believe in is incredibly rewarding

The best place I’ve ever visited is … either Boom festival (Portugal), or the Azores (also Portugal)

The book everyone should read is … Excession by Ian M. Banks. I love science fiction generally but this book is absolutely stellar, I can’t recommend it enough. Great plot, great characters, and a great ending; it ticks all the boxes

The song everyone should listen to is … because you’re asking me at 5pm on a Friday: Mutants Mind by Inlakech ?

My dream one day is to … be well-travelled, well-read, elderly, and still curious about loads of different stuff

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