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Danielle Mayall
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This month we hear from Danielle Mayall, Clinical Project Coordinator at Compass …


I work in mental health care because … I am passionate about humans, connection and exploring consciousness. I want to see us all thriving and evolving into the best version of ourselves, individually and collectively. In some ways we are more connected than ever-through technology-but at the same time the most disconnected, from ourselves and from others.  I am excited to be part of the revolution to change the landscape of mental health care around the world 

The part of my job I most enjoy is … being a part of a mission-driven community where everyone is present, genuine and actively chooses to be here because they are passionate about mental health. I love geeking out with my co-workers on the latest research in the field and having the opportunity to work with and learn from various teams at Compass

What I am most grateful for … growing up traveling and living around the world! I am half-Brasilian, half-Peruvian, was born in Switzerland and my mother was a diplomat, so from a young age I was exposed to different cultures. These experiences have given me the gift of seeing the infinite possibilities there are in this life!  

The book everyone should read is … Attached! Understanding your attachment style is truly the first step in knowing who you are and understanding how you became who you are today. It will change the way you act in all of your relationships (personal and professional). The authors do a great job at delivering science in a simple and interactive way. You can balance this brain work with some food for your soul by reading Rumi’s poems <3 

The song everyone should listen to is … whatever speaks to your intuition! Music {sound}- is a powerful agent of transformation.  The study of cymatics shows us how the frequencies and vibrations of sound can change or restructure matter, including water.  Considering our bodies are about 60% water…music certainly impacts the dynamics of our brains and bodies! Furthermore, I also think everyone should listen to silence-it’s such a powerful lesson. A teacher of mine always says, “when silence finds you, try not to fill it” 

The best piece of advice I’ve ever been given is … permission. To give permission to both others-and most importantly ourselves-to be who we are without fear and create the life we want to live. Permission to open your heart and feel every single emotion at all their varying intensities, whenever and wherever we need to. Permission to fail, permission to succeed, to be sad and to be happy; we all have permission to be human.   


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