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This month we hear from Joanna Kuc, our Research Associate in Digital Mental Health …


I am part of the Compass team … helping to develop digital tools in mental health care, in order to improve personalised care for patients and increase accessibility to innovation

I work in mental health care because … everyone can be affected by a mental health condition at some point in their lives and it is our responsibility, as a society, to provide the best tools to empower those in need

The part of my job I most enjoy is … being able to spend my days working on things I truly believe in. Being part of this research fills me with hope that we can actually make a difference

An unusual fact about me is … that I’ve seen over 100 bands live – music festivals are the way to go through the summer for me!

My proudest achievement is … moving abroad when I was 18 to study and follow my dreams. This challenging journey allowed me to meet lots of amazing and inspiring people

What I am most grateful for is … the constant support of my lovely partner, family and closest friends, who never doubted me and support me no matter how demanding it might get at times!

My dream one day is to … visit Peruvian highlands and see the remains of the Incan Empire

The book everyone should read is … “Culture and Depression” by Arthur Kleinman and Byron Good to understand how the different faces of mental health challenges are shaped by local culture and society

The song everyone should listen to is … “Dziwny jest ten świat” by Czesław Niemen, who used to be the “Polish Jim Morrison”

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