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Kelsey Lear
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This month we hear from Kelsey Lear, LMS administrator at Compass …


I am a part of the Compass team helping to … support the build of our learning platform and oversee the journey that therapists take through our learning management system. I am the main point of contact for therapists while they’re working through our learning, helping to provide the highest standard of care for anyone taking part in our trials

I work in mental health care because … I wanted to work with like-minded people, and improve my own knowledge and understanding of mental health. Everyone is affected by mental health in one way or another and having a greater understanding is key to supporting those around us

 The part of my job I most enjoy is … working with people who are passionate, focused, driven, and kind. It’s so important to feel valued, understood, and listened to in the workplace, and since joining Compass I’ve grown massively in confidence and achieved more than I thought possible. That’s down to my own willingness to learn, and also having the right people around me

 When I was a child, I always wanted to … have a dog! Sadly my mum and stepdad weren’t convinced. As soon as I met my partner and moved into my own house, getting a dog was my top priority. 10 years later I have a pug called Barry and a French bulldog called Tia

 My proudest achievement is … giving a presentation, which was a massive leap out of my comfort zone. I think it’s common for people to be nervous about being vulnerable in front of a group of people, especially in the workplace, but being given the right tools and support meant I was able to push past my nerves. And outside of work, I’m proud of passing my full motorbike test first time

 My dream one day is to … travel abroad for a holiday with my partner. I’ve only been abroad once, but joining Compass and working with people from around the world has really opened my eyes to how little I’ve seen so far. I now have a passport and am ready to take the leap and experience the world!

The book everyone should read is … “The Thief of Always” by Clive Barker. It’s about a young boy wishing his life away. My dad read it to me as a young girl, and it still speaks to me as an adult. The illustrations in the hardback are amazing

The song everyone should listen to is … Ben Howard – “Depth over distance”



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