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Lucinda Orsini
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This month we hear from Lucinda Orsini, Vice President, Values and Outcomes Research at Compass …


I am a part of the Compass team helping to … develop evidence on the value that innovative, investigational mental health therapies could have for healthcare systems around the world. This evidence may be used to drive discussions and negotiations with health technology assessment bodies and payers who determine coverage and reimbursement as we plan for potential regulatory approval of the new therapies we are developing

I work in mental health care because … I have very personal connections to people managing severe mental health challenges and neurodiversity. This drives me towards helping to develop new evidence-based treatments that can be broadly available to people who need them

What I am most grateful for is … the opportunity to work with equally passionate people who are driving towards new paradigms of treatment in the mental health care space

When I was a child, I always wanted to … become an airplane pilot

The best place I have ever visited is … the Southwest of the United States – the Grand Canyon, Carlsbad Cavern, the Painted Desert – it’s amazing to find beauty in such seemingly desolate places

My dream one day is to … be able to pursue outdoor passions like hiking, skiing, and sailing as often as I like

The best piece of advice I’ve been given … this advice was quoted to me: “If not us, then who? If not now, then when?” John E. Lewis

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