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nisha 6
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I am part of the Compass team helping to … equip treatment rooms at our clinical trials sites across the EU and North America, creating a comfortable environment for each individual taking part in our clinical trial

I work in mental health care because … we all have our own stories relating to mental health. From understanding how difficult it is to suffer with poor mental health, or knowing someone who is suffering, working for Compass gives me hope that one day we can help people as much as possible

The part of my job I most enjoy is … speaking to and connecting with so many different study coordinators, I learn something from each of them

When I was a child I always wanted to … do many different things! I remember making my younger siblings take part in ‘plays’ that I wrote. By this I mean I wrote my own scripts around significant events including Christmas, birthdays and New Year, and put on little productions for my family. I still love to write; I keep a diary, and also write poems to try to capture my personal experiences

An unusual fact about me is … that I was (and still am) a Sims video game addict! There’s something so fun about creating neighbourhoods, homes and families, each with a different story to tell that I am able to live out

What I am most grateful for is … my family and friends. Having a strong support system to grow and develop in life has helped me so much

The book everyone should read is … The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison

The song everyone should listen to is …  The Zephyr Song by Red Hot Chili Peppers


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