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Renata Kovacs
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This month we hear from Renata Kovacs, our Digital Learning Designer and Developer …


I work in mental health care because … there is a clear sense of mission and purpose that translates into everyday tasks. I cherish the opportunity to be able to contribute to a positive change in the world, particularly as there is a growing and urgent need to improve quality and scalability in mental health care

The part of my job I most enjoy is … that no two days are the same and there is a great variety of areas to explore and dive into. I’m drawn to the design aspects of my role, where I get to break through boundaries and propose new ideas. However, I also enjoy the technical aspect where pragmatic considerations help to navigate how we make a concept a reality

What I am most grateful for are … the small elements of life that surround us. I feel too often we get consumed by our circumstances and stuck in a negative cycle of thinking. We neglect the unequivocal beauty and wonder of the world and the things that make us  who we are. So whenever I can feel the negative cycle taking control, I remind myself to step out of my own experience and take a few minutes to appreciate our miraculous existence and the awesome things it brings

The best place I’ve ever visited is … Costa Rica. I am fortunate to come from a family who always put a big emphasis on travelling and experiencing new cultures. I was drawn to Costa Rica by the efforts they go to in preserving nature and wildlife while adapting to the tropical climate to grow delicious produce. Throughout my visit, there was a sense of tranquillity no matter where we went and I absolutely loved the sounds of the rainforests. I would go back in a heartbeat … but I would bring better hiking boots!

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