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Ryan Murrell
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This month we hear from Ryan Murrell, IT Support Engineer at Compass …


I am a part of the Compass team helping to …  provide general IT support to all teams within Compass 

The part of my job I most enjoy is … the fact that I get to work with everyone, and my role involves lots of talking to people. Good communication skills are really important in IT. I also love the on-demand problem solving aspect that comes with this! 

An unusual fact about me is … I’m a Cadet Force Adult Volunteer in the Royal Marines Cadets. I joined the Cadets when I was 14, and it was a massive part of my childhood. It gave me confidence, discipline, and made me who I am today. There were lots of role models I could look up to. I wanted to give back, so I turned staff when I was 18, and now I teach young adults about the values, history and core ethos of the Royal Marines. I like to think I have a positive effect on young Cadets! 

My dream one day is to … to work as a medic in the Royal Navy and to travel the world! 

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