Green team 3
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Our Compass green team was formed to champion green initiatives throughout our company and ensure our mission and projects are considered in our day-to-day work. Here, Molly and Marco, two of our green ambassadors, tell us what inspires them and share their top green tips.

What inspired you to join the Compass green team?

I believe that a major aspect of a world of mental wellbeing is sustainability and respect for nature. I would like to promote sustainability and environmental consciousness as I find that the effect we have on our environment, and the animals that inhabit it, has an impact on my mental wellbeing and feelings of worth. We should strive to achieve our company mission in a way that is mindful of our environmental impact, and we have an opportunity to set an example for industry in general.

Which of our green activities are you most proud of?

I am proud of how the whole team has welcomed our Compass green guidelines, and I continue to be touched by how engaged our colleagues are – for example sharing their green ideas to implement at work. Seeing our projects realised, such as supporting carbon capturing and habitat generating actions through our Trees for Cities partnership has also been extremely rewarding.

What is your top green tip for home or at work?

Being mindful of food purchasing is key: keep it local, in season, and vegan – where possible. Unfortunately, production of feed for farmed animals has a massive contribution to deforestation. Promoting permaculture approaches over monocrop will also help save our harvests! And always questioning use of plastic and packaging helps to spread awareness and reform habits!

Molly Hickey

Marco Mohwinckel

What inspired you to join the Compass green team?

We need to take care of our planet and restore bio-diversity – the time to act is now. We should all realise that we can reverse self-destructive trends, and it starts with individual behavioural changes in our daily lives.

Which of our green activities are you most proud of?

Introducing the green policy is an important step in the right direction. Our monthly green company newsletter helps raise awareness and provides practical tips that are within everyone’s reach. We are supporting planting trees and have committed to carbon-offsetting our travel.

What is your top green tip for home or at work?

Going green or, if you wish, being environmentally conscious is a way of life…  shop local, eat more vegetables, take shorter showers, avoid plastics, limit travel… going green means also living a healthier life!

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