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Why did you choose to join Compass?

Compass is undoubtedly at the forefront of changing mental health care. There are millions of patients living with mental illness who are in desperate need of better therapeutic options. I am extremely proud and excited to be joining a team that is helping shape a new treatment paradigm for patients. 


You have worked in this field for some time, why are you personally so passionate about improving mental health care?

Just like many others, I have loved ones who are fighting mental illness, so it is personal for me. There is still so much that needs to be done to improve mental health care for patients.  The challenge of helping address complex issues like stigma and inequitable access to new therapies is what drives me, but what I am most passionate about is the opportunity to potentially play a role in helping patients achieve better treatment outcomes and quality of life.  


What are you most proud of in your career?

Building and leading high-performing teams. 


Which of Compass’s values most resonates with you?

Compassion.  When I first read Compass’s purpose“We connect science and compassion to reimagine mental health care”I knew I was joining the right company. Pharma often gets the compassion part wrong, so having the opportunity to work for a company that is driven to help relieve  suffering resonates with me. 


What do you do to look after your own mental health?

My own mental health is something that I’ve been focusing on a lot lately.  One thing that I really enjoy is getting up before the rest of my family and spending one hour by myself exercising, meditating, or reading. 

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