At Compass, quality is an integral part of everything we do, and we’re delighted that our Quality team recently won the Innovation Excellence award from MasterControl (a leading Quality Management System company). We spoke to Joanne Berry, Quality Director of Manufacturing and Operations at Compass, to find out more about what this award means, and why quality is so important.
Congratulations on winning the Innovation Excellence award from MasterControl! Why is it so significant that we’ve been recognised in this way?
I’m delighted that Compass has won the Innovation Excellence award from MasterControl. We implemented our Quality Management System from MasterControl, in less than a year, which is extremely unusual – it normally takes much longer. To implement MasterControl and have it adopted by the whole company at that speed really demonstrates Compass’s commitment to quality and our agility as an organisation. I’m very proud of the whole team.
Why is it so important to have a Quality Management System in place?
A Quality Management System is of the utmost importance for all biotechnology companies developing new medicines. It’s the foundation for all systems and processes. Having a Quality Management System provides assurance that procedures are in place to guarantee rigorous trials and products, with results that can be independently validated.

What do you want people to understand about quality?
A robust quality culture means that we adhere to the highest standards; only then can we ensure product quality and support patient safety. Quality is a journey of continuous improvement and allows us to be the best we can be for patients, it’s not about checking boxes.
How have we embedded quality as part of our culture at Compass?
I’m really proud of how quality has been embedded across our organisation. We’ve developed a network of Quality Champions and superusers in the different teams at Compass, from Clinical Sciences to Business Development, and quality is reflected in Compass’s objectives and core competencies. The Quality team works collaboratively with every function, which demonstrates Compass’s commitment to quality.